Do not waste water even if you are at a running stream.
Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H
40 Hadith For Islamic School Part 1
Author: Muhammad S. Adly
Number of Pages: 121
This is a collection of the most touching sayings of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ to instruct the young Muslims in various manners and ethics related to social interaction in Islam.
Preserving our Islamic identity in the Western society demands that Muslim communities be strong, sel…
200 Hadith for Muslim Women
Author: Muhammad S. Adly
Number of Pages: 120
No one can deny or ignore the important role women have in this life, especially in light of the fact that Almighty Allah has mentioned them in the Quran in many verses. Moreover, He has even dedicated an entire surah called Surrah An-Nissaa, (the Women) to women. Allah made women …
Short Hadith For Young Muslims
Author: Muhammad S. Adly
Number of Pages: 70
This book is dedicated towards our youngest, whom sometimes we forget. A great number of our children memorize the Quran or a portion of it, but it is seldom that they know about the Sunnah of Sasu-lulla-h. Therefore, I present this book as assistance towards their development and t…