Prohibited Imitations


As it has been part of Man’s nature to want to copy and imitate that which he sees and hears repeatedly, it has become imperative to warn against learning about, associating with, or even getting too close to practices and ways of living and thinking that are contrary to Islamic teachings. In fact, imitating non-Muslims and sinful people is prohibited, for the Prophet (sa) said: “Whoever copies a people is then one of them.” [Abu Dawood]


Since the scope of Muslims’ relationships has vastly widened, Muslims have recently engaged in different types of relationships and mixed connections. Hence, the statement, “the world has turned into one global village.” Nevertheless, people of kufr (disbelief), bid`ah (innovations), and fisq (defiant evildoing, immorality, and disobedience to Allah) have regrettably taken over mass media, social media, and most widely held platforms, and they have begun to indoctrinate their erroneous non-Islamic habits, cultural ways, manners, and worldviews.

As it has also been part of Man’s nature to want to copy and imitate that which he sees and hears repeatedly, it has become imperative to warn against learning about, associating with, or even getting too close to practices and ways of living and thinking that are contrary to Islamic teachings. In fact, imitating non-Muslims and sinful people is prohibited, for the Prophet (sa) said: “Whoever copies a people is then one of them.” [Abu Dawood]

To help cater to Muslims’ needs for role models and examples, it has become incumbent upon every Muslim to learn about, associate with, and practice the ways and traditions of the Prophet (sa), his Companions, and their Successors to more successfully emulate them.


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