40 Hadith for the Muslim Family


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It has been a challenge to raise a Muslim family in America. Society teaches us and our family members to behave in a way very different from our Islamic teachings. The following is a collection of selected hadith from the sayings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, the teacher and the leader of all humanity, collected by the slave servant of Allah, Muhammad S. Adly. The collection should teach any Muslim family member in America the best manners in different family and social situations according to the Sunnah, while instilling strong family values. Each hadith is accompanied by an English translation, followed by lessons to learn. It is worth mentioning that while many of the hadith lessons are taken directly from the hadith in question, many other lessons are relevant but are taken from other hadith. There are three main objectives for the study of each hadith. As a result of studying this book, the student should be able to:

  1. Read the 40 hadith in Arabic and English,
  2. Memorize the 40 hadith, and
  3. Explain the main subject matter in each hadith and other relevant hadith.

I have only included in this collection what is authentic, and I do not claim perfection. I pray that Allah I will help all of us clean our intentions and make them sincerely for His pleasure, to my benefit and as well as to your benefit, in this life and in the Hereafter. Please bring to my attention any mistakes you may find in this work, so that they can be corrected in the next edition.


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