- Termites (eBook)
- $2.00
- This book explains things that people do that eat away at their faith and religious practice. It also offers ways to help protect one's faith and fortify one's foundation.
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- The Importance of Sunnah
- $2.00
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- The Importance of The Sunnah (eBook)
- $1.50
- The Sunnah of the Prophet/the way of the Prophet salla llaahu alayhi wa sallam covers everything from A to Z. It covers his relationship with Allah and the people in the mosque. It covers his relationship with his wives and the kuffar. It covers how the Prophet salla llaahu alayhi wa sallam conducted himself in all areas of the Deen.
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- The Last Juz’ of the Glorious Qur’an (eBook)
- $2.00
- This book is a humble attempt to help non-Arabic speakers and new Muslims in particular, to read, memorize, and gain a basic understanding of the chapters of the last juz' of the Qur'an. The book has different distinguishing features: the Arabic text in the Uthmani style, the English translation, and the transliteration of the Arabic text in English characters.
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- Books, Islam
- The Messenger
- $10.00
- This work entitled, “The Messenger” is meant to inform the unaware and to remind those who have forgotten the excellence, merit, description, special qualities, and important teachings of the last and greatest of Allah’s Messengers and the Seal of the Prophet’s.
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- Books
- The Muslim Personality
- $9.00
- Who are the “true” Muslims and the “true” believers? What qualities distinguish them from others? Providing a detailed and comprehensive answer to these questions is my purpose for compiling this work, The Muslim Personality. The texts of the Qurʾān and Sunnah indicate that there are certain characteristics, qualities, personality traits – if you will – that a “true” Muslim is…
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