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- $2.00
- This book is a collection of pieces of advice and commandments from the Prophet to his Companion and his followers.
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- 200 Hadith for Muslim Women (eBook)
- $2.00
- No one can deny or ignore the important role women have in this life, especially in light of the fact that Almighty Allah has mentioned them in the Quran in many verses. Moreover, He has even dedicated an entire surah called Surrah An-Nissaa, (the Women) to women. Allah made women into wives, mothers, and the ones who have the power…
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- 40 Hadith for Islamic Schools: Part 2 (eBook)
- $2.00
- Forty Ĥadīth For Islamic Schools Part 2 is the second part to Forty Ĥadīth For Islamic Schools Part 1.
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- Books, Hadith
- 40 Hadith for Muslim Youth
- $4.50
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque
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- Etiquette, Hadith
- $4.00
- The Prophet (saw) offered us many warnings regarding different forbidden and disliked issues. Some of these things had to do with worldly things while others had to do with religious matters and matters that had to do with a Muslim’s foundational principles in religion.
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- Books
- Divine Hadith (Qudsii Hadith)
- $10.00
- Divine Hadith (Qudsii Hadith) is a collection of authentic reports that the Prophet r related on behalf of Allah and in the Prophet's words.
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- Belief, Books
- Get to Know Allah
- $7.00
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in…
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- Hajj Made Simple (eBook)
- $1.50
- The book discusses the different rites and rituals one needs to perform for hajj.
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- Books, Etiquette, Seerah, Worship
- He (SA) WAS…
- $5.00
- Many Muslim salaf (righteous predecessors) have given the preservation of the seerah and the Qur’an an equal amount of attention. This is so because the seerah holds the requisite key to emulating the example of the Prophet r in all walks of his life: worship, theology, day-to-day affairs, mannerisms, teachings, transactions, appearance, etiquette, and others. While numerous reports have been…
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- Books
- Islamic Ethics of Business & Employment
- $5.00
- Because we all need to work and we are all required to comply with Allah’s religion in the workplace, a comprehensive compilation of the Islamic laws and ethical standards related to employment would be extremely helpful. From what I have seen, there is a great shortage of books in English that thoroughly address this issue. Consequently, there is a void…
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- Not One of Us!
- $4.00
- لَيْسَ مِنَّا (he is not one of/from us) or لَيْس مِنّي(he is not of/from me) is one of the rhetorical appeals that the Prophet (SAW) implemented in order to illustrate the abominable nature of certain acts and to alert people to the dangers of such acts.
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- Arabic, Books
- Practice Speaking Arabic
- $9.00
- This book is meant to help any person who has mastered Arabic reading and writing and is ready to take a step further to put words together to form sentences and carry on a basic dialogue in Arabic with another person in various situations. The book covers selected subjects related to day-to-day interactions. This book provides sufficient practice so that…
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- Belief, Books, Etiquette, Hadith, Islam, Worship
- Prohibited Imitations
- $7.00
- As it has been part of Man’s nature to want to copy and imitate that which he sees and hears repeatedly, it has become imperative to warn against learning about, associating with, or even getting too close to practices and ways of living and thinking that are contrary to Islamic teachings. In fact, imitating non-Muslims and sinful people is prohibited,…
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- Ramadan and What It Contains (eBook)
- $1.25
- Ramadan and What It Contains addresses different issues of fasting, including proper fasting, missed fast, Night Prayer, Night of Power, bidah, and other topics related to fasting.
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- Rights and Obligations (eBook)
- $2.00
- The book discusses different rights Muslims have upon others and the obligations they have toward others, including Allah's rights upon mankind, the Prophet's rights upon people, parents' rights upon and obligations toward children, spouses' rights and obligations toward each other, and neighbors' rights upon others.
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- Termites (eBook)
- $2.00
- This book explains things that people do that eat away at their faith and religious practice. It also offers ways to help protect one's faith and fortify one's foundation.
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- The Importance of Sunnah
- $2.00
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- The Importance of The Sunnah (eBook)
- $1.50
- The Sunnah of the Prophet/the way of the Prophet salla llaahu alayhi wa sallam covers everything from A to Z. It covers his relationship with Allah and the people in the mosque. It covers his relationship with his wives and the kuffar. It covers how the Prophet salla llaahu alayhi wa sallam conducted himself in all areas of the Deen.
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- The Last Juz’ of the Glorious Qur’an (eBook)
- $2.00
- This book is a humble attempt to help non-Arabic speakers and new Muslims in particular, to read, memorize, and gain a basic understanding of the chapters of the last juz' of the Qur'an. The book has different distinguishing features: the Arabic text in the Uthmani style, the English translation, and the transliteration of the Arabic text in English characters.
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- Books, Islam
- The Messenger
- $10.00
- This work entitled, “The Messenger” is meant to inform the unaware and to remind those who have forgotten the excellence, merit, description, special qualities, and important teachings of the last and greatest of Allah’s Messengers and the Seal of the Prophet’s.
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- Books
- The Muslim Personality
- $9.00
- Who are the “true” Muslims and the “true” believers? What qualities distinguish them from others? Providing a detailed and comprehensive answer to these questions is my purpose for compiling this work, The Muslim Personality. The texts of the Qurʾān and Sunnah indicate that there are certain characteristics, qualities, personality traits – if you will – that a “true” Muslim is…
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- Ya Allah Pardon Me! (eBook)
- $1.25
- This book is about different kinds of sins and how to avoid them; it also addresses ways of forgiveness and how to achieve it.
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